Saturday, November 19, 2011

Power Towers

We have "Power Towers" at Rogers Elementary. We have 11 Power Towers in the school being used to separate the garbage we are producing so that we can recycle it. The power towers have 5 drawers to put various types of garbage for recycling, instead of going into the garbage. The drawers are emptied daily into our Recycle Station bags.

We have soft plastics, foils, cardboard, paper and an unknown drawer.

Along with the power towers we are also continuing to recycle all drinking containers and we are composting. We have reduced our garbage significantly. We have gone from having a 6 cubic yard garbage dumpster to having a 3 cubic yard dumpster. Way to go everyone!

Thanks to our 25 student member Green Team, our custodian (Caroline Waelti) and our staff for making this happen.

Our office staff uses a power tower, a compost bin and a mini-garbage can!

At Rogers, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Waste Reduction Week 2011

Mini-Garbage Can Challenge!
For the second year, we are having our mini-garbage can challenge!! The Student Leadership Team at Rogers would like to challenge all classes to use a mini garbage can during Waste Reduction Week (and beyond)!

Student Leaders will be distributing a mini garbage can to each division during Waste Reduction Week. We hope classes will continue to use these on a regular basis!

Instead of using the garbage cans for waste, we can all recycle and compost our waste. We CAN do it. Green garbage CAN, we CAN!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Litterless Lunches

Nich from Mr. Nast's class is doing an action plan on promoting litterless lunches. Nich would like to remind everyone about what a litterless lunch looks like. It has no garbage, but instead it has plastic or metal containers to hold food and drinks. The containers can be taken home, washed and reused the next day!

Please send your child with a litterless lucnh to help save the planet!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Green Award

Congratulations to Julie Kewley for being recognized by the Board of Education as a parent with commitment to Greening in SD61!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Grade 5 Class Commitment to Greening

Mr. Nast's Grade 5 class has a commitment to being green!
They are focusing on making it a priority in the important places: family, community, school and environment! Way to go!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Lights Out Challenge in May

In May, every class at Rogers has a checklist by the light switches where a light monitor checks to see if the lights get turned out when no-one is in the room. The monitors check three times per day: recess, lunch recess and after school. Turning out the lights will save an enormous amount of non-renewable energy.

Hartland Landfill Visit

Three of our classes have visited the Hartland Landfill where the students learn about how to better reduce the waste they throw out. The tour consists of a 45 minute lesson and a tour around the landfill on a bus. Thanks from Rogers!

Monday, March 28, 2011


This year, the April 22nd Earth Day fall on the same day as Good Friday. Because school is not in session, we will recognize Earth Day on Thursday, April 21st. For Earth Day spirit at Rogers, we ask that all students wear GREEN to recognize planet earth.

We will have several activities during our Earth Day to celebrate our planet!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Daily Classroom Recycling

Recycle monitors from each class bring down the class recycling to sort.
Recycling is part of daily life for these youngsters.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Waste Reduction 2010-2011

We kicked off our Waste Management refreshers at the first assembly on September 8th. We recycle paper, paper toweling, plastics, tetra-packs, milk cartons, bottles, cans and we compost. Good work Rogers! In October, during Waste Management Week, we will commit to a trial to replace our class garbage cans with mini-cans, to promote further reduction in garbage. Together we can reduce our carbon footprint at Rogers!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Our Future Depends on Us

Mini-Garbage Cans

This year, we are transitioning to the use of mini-garbage cans. These garbage cans provide the reminder to recycle and compost and help us to think twice about what we are throwing out. Everything we throw out ends up in the landfill. Since we are trying reduce what we put into the landfill, we are carefull about what we throw out at Rogers.

Every classroom has a mini-garbage can.

Paper Towel Only

At Rogers, classrooms use bins for paper towels only.

Paper towels are composted.

Our custodians are part of our waste management at Rogers!

Classroom Waste Reduction

Each classroom at Rogers has a compost bin and a recycle bin for plastics. Use of mini-garbage cans is encouraged, although the transition means a big change in thinking for everyone! We are working together to reduce our waste!

Composting at Rogers

At Rogers, there are compost bins in every classroom. These bins are emptied and washed by our Go Green Team, headed by educational assistant, Mrs. Rose. The compost is then brought to the Waste Management bins outside.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Our Encorp Recycle Bins

At Rogers, we have five bins in the front of the school. Daily, students bring their class recycling to the front. Weekly, a volunteer group from the Garth Homer Society picks up the recycling. The tally goes to Encorp, and the profits go to a global service project in Africa to raise funds for students with educational needs,

Recycling has enormous benefits!

Encorp Recycle Challenge

We recycle because it makes sense for so many reasons, predominantly because it reduces our contribution to the landfill.

We also have motivation from Encorp. They have a provincial challenge for schools to recycle. For more information about the Encorp school challenge, click here.